Thursday, December 10, 2009

As The World Turns?

Who do you think is the killer on the soap opera "As The World Turns"? Me and my mom think it is either out of Maddie, Jade, or Maddies brother-in-law. Who Do You Think?

As The World Turns?home theater

Dude its Eve man its always who you would never expect

As The World Turns?comedy club opera theater

It was the brother-in-law...
It's the brother-in-law
I know the answer but am unsure if you really want to know the answer. If you do. A hint, it's none of the people you mentioned, but connected to Maddie, and the brother in law.

I think it;s one of the new guys on the camping trip.
is it Henry? I love ol' Henry but he can be a little goofy at times...especially when he has been drinking!
Maddie's BIL
i say it is maddies Brother in law, if someone else connected to her and her brother in law then who??
I think it is Jade
I don't think it matters much, since that show has a history of bringing people back from the dead. That is why I stopped watching it... It insulted my intelligence.

Think about it... How can anyone fall from an airplane (James Stenbeck...years ago) and survive? ~sigh~

Oh well, I hope you figure out who the killer is...and believe it only if you see the dead body.
I believe it was Jade and no other, because she is just too suspicious always blaming Maddie and we all know it is not her or Louis, so it is Jade. How do I join an As The World Turns fan site to send posts about this soap or if Yahoo such as this answer/question page has one? I hope you understand what I mean, lol!
Well, its NOT Louis, and NOT maddie since the killer attacked them BOTH.. so Jade???
I think it is Maddie's sister. She is kind of sneaky looking to me.

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