Friday, December 4, 2009

Why not allow the consumer to pick which cable channels they want, instead of having to pick a "

Why not allow consumers to pick and choose which channels they want to watch, because there are just some channels that I don't have a need for, like those shopping channels, or the Golf Channel, the Soap Opera Channel, when I could get FoxNews or BBC America or the History Channel???

Why not allow the consumer to pick which cable channels they want, instead of having to pick a "package"performing arts show

great idea!!

Why not allow the consumer to pick which cable channels they want, instead of having to pick a "package"opera cd opera theater

That will make consumer happy and cable company poor.

People will select 3 or 4 channels they normally watch and don't pay for rest. This will make less money to cable company and more work to setup infrastructure.

They need minimum $ per subscriber and then addup...
The cable companies idea is that it's supposed to be less expensive for the consumer as they can negotiate a lower per subscriber fee for each channel if they have a large subscriber base. That's why they spread the popular channels among packages with less popular channels.

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