Ok , its the typical soap opera. Got pregnant and dumped for my best friend! He doesnt want anything to do with me or my kids(I'm having twins). What should I do? Should I try to get him involved ? How? I already asked him to come with me to get my first ultrasound and he refused. He honestly doesn't care! I don't know what to do anymore. I need his support. I need someone to be with me when I break the news to my parents(I'm 16). I'm going nuts! What do I do?
I am pregnant and my boyfriend left me! Do I take legal action for custody? When?events
Get a real friend to be there with you when you tell your parents (not the traitor who took your bf).
As for baby daddy, it's up to you. You will automatically get custody just because you have the kids. If you want to make custody "official", file a petition right after they're born. You can't make him be involved, but you can make him pay child support, but that takes a court order.
Decide what you want. Do you want him allowed in their lives? If so put his name on their birth certificates, take him to court. He'll be ordered to pay child support, you will be granted custody (unless he fights for it but I don't think he will) and he will be granted visitation. Whether he takes it or not is up to him.
If you don't want him around, don't put his name on the birth certificates, and don't take him for child support. It's all or nothing in this case.
I am pregnant and my boyfriend left me! Do I take legal action for custody? When?home theatre opera theater
get over him. hes not gonna be there for you or his kids. get him for child support though. and deffinitly see a lawyer about custody a.s.a.p.. about telling your parents though, tell them what hes doing to you. they will freak when they hear that your pregnant though. so just expect to be yelled at A LOT!!! good luck.
how is it you know you are having twins and your parents don't even know you are even pregnant???
you can move for the child support now. at least get the paperwork started. Go to the Child Support Services in your area and they will do it for free. you can't make him care. it's not important to him and never will be.
CALL 1-800-395-HELP OR VISIT http://www.lovematters.com/
woww...delimma..well sit back and relax b/c you are the situation and in the situation and nothing is going to get you out.
1. you are going to tell your parents first.
2. your dad well put his foot down to have the bf involved.
3. you love him but he isn't really what you want. so get after him!!!!
Good luck and you could always seek adoption, plan parenthood and there are alot of sources out there for you for help.
Best of luck and just be strong for yourself and the babies...heyy congrats.
not custody - child support (that should freak him out). You're 16 - how old is he? If he's of the age of majority meaning that he's an adult (in some states that's 18 year others it's 21), you might inform him that he legally raped you in which case you might just want to call the police and let them deal with it. An adult having sex with a minor and getting her pregnant? Oh, that's a winner, for sure!
well looks like you dont have that someone in him, all ican say is tell your parents and decide what you are gonna do, keep the babies/adoption and if you do keep those babies make damn sure that he is paying child support for the next 18 years X 2. good luck to you hun :)
get over him...you can't make a sperm donor a father. You need to tell your parents and seek legal help. Go after him for custody and child support payments when the babies are born.
honey just forget about him,and be honest with your parents.They will support you.
Wow....I can imagine being in your shoes. Just sit your parents down, and tell them like it is. Then confront ur ex and tell him what u did, then ask him for advice on what to do....(maybe he'll fall for u again!!!)
Email me at spartamonkey14@yahoo.com and let me kno what happened!!!
tell u parents they need to now that u r pregnant. they will understand. they always do. if ur bf doesn't want to now his sons then ask for child support. then he will beg u not to ask for child support. with child support u will be able to buy things for ur babies.
well first of all your boyfriend is a dumb *** for leaving you with your own child!!! second i hope you keep that soon to be beautiful and adorable child!!! and third take custody if you know your boyfriend isnt gonna be around for that little kid and fourth, if you take custody hell have to pay child support!!!
best of luck to you and your new beautiful twins!!!
he'll wish that he would've stuck by you for the sake of his kids because i know that inside he will be resenting the fact that he left you and his children, you don't need to take legal action, for what? he probably will win anyway. Just tell your parents that you're pregnant because they might be able to help you in this situation better than anybody else.
Well sweetheart for one...It's too late for him not to care...even if he don't want you and even if he hates you and you hate him...guess what...!!!! he has too and for the rest of his life.....has to pay for his deed....and make sure he does....if he don't his parents will...he has to help...and his parents will make sure he Will...and its called...child support...he will have to take a paternity test....make sure you go after this...please....those children need a father...even if he is a no good piece of crap you know what...tell your parents!!! good luck!!
i would just sit down with your parents sooner than later and tell them..maybe they can talk to your ex for you..and just as a reminder her left u for your "best friend"'..she wasnt your bf or she wouldnt do that!!!
I would start taking legal action as soon as you go for your first aultrasound...or at the very begining of your 2nd trimester.
You will love these babbies unconditionally im sure of it, so they dont need a daddy they have a momy... You can try to get him involved but he is running from his responsabilities because he is too immature,let the court inforce help on him...
i understand your prolyl terrified because your not only haveing one baby but 2 at the age of 16 it can be a scarey thing... but hold your head of high and i think you can do it... just keep tinking your guna give these kids the best life you possibly can and daddy is guna miss out on everything(the first smile,the coos and caws, biting thier toes, first words, etc)....
also dont stress about it, just tell your mom and dad and if you need advice on how to tell them add me to your yahoo msger or email me and i will help
best wishes hope to hear form u soon..add me if u just wana talk!!!!
how do you know if its twins when you haven't told your parents so obviously your not showing and your not very far along
get the police involved after you tell your parents they can hunt his butt down and start child support payments for you from him
Wow, you are only 16 and are pregnant with twins. The first step would be to tell your parents. If you are lucky they will try to help you. First they''ll advice you on the b/f situation and then figure out how to help you manage the pregnancy. Good luck!
Ok first this why you shouldn't have had sex in the first place. Aside from that if he doesn't want to be with you then there is nothing you can do really aside from maybe try to take him to court and get child support but I doubt that a judge is going to order child support to a 16 year old girl. Just get a job and forget about him.
YES take action immidiately, and do it as soon as possible!
First of all, if you know he is the father then get a test and then take him to court for child support and have him sign over his rights if he is the parent. Second of all, ask you close friend to be there with you when you tell your parents. It maybe hard for your parent to cope with it,but you need your friends and parents to help you when you raise these children. Third of all, go for consuling for you because it is going to be a hard road to deal with and maybe you need to have your parents there so they could understand where you are coming from. Most of all, accept that maybe you made an mistake by getting pregnant because honestly that is one of the night mares that a parent has for their child at a young age. Give your parents the option to go with you for your dr's visits and if they feel it is to much, then ask your close friend to go with you instead. Its hard when parents find out because they feel its their fault for not raising you better but think of the possiblities of your parents growing close to you and being there for you! Your ex on the other hand, is a child himself for not taking the responsilbility of being a parent but also understand of how scared he is besides how scared you are because you are pregnant! He will grow up to become an adult and see how hard it is for you to be carrying these beautiful babies. He may down the road want to be in the children's life so give him that option. For now, just worry about your health and the health of these babies. But also think about how your parents feel when they find out. It is never easy to tell parents that you are pregnant. If they lash out of you because of anger, dont take it to heart. They will feel disappointed of what happened but be there as your biggest supporters. Tell your parents that you love them and wish to discuss something like this in great detail. It may hurt them and it may hurt you. Dont worry about your ex because what goes around comes around!!
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